Sunday, December 21, 2014


i'm going to be honest with you...

i'm a tourist...

i was fine for the first term but dropped off the deep end and couldn't get myself to post anymore

this is probably the hardest thing to admit and i didn't do it on purpose

i wanted to be real with my posts

it was a release for me

i really only used the blog as a release

once i found truth in my life (not fully but to an extent) i didn't really find a need for that release and never posted

Here's to the tourists like me

My name is Chris Smith and I'm a tourist
(admitting to it is the first step to recovery right? or is it a disease that you can't recover from?)


  1. Hey, you did good man (who needs grammar) don't stop writing, it's good to meet you Chris. Your blog has been an adventure, even towards the end

  2. Completely agree^^ don't stop.

  3. it's never too late to change

    stay awhile
